As some of you may know, I created NGUI 2 years ago for myself because I needed a UI system. Since then it has grown and evolved over the first year, but then I joined Unity and the development slowed down. That was in part because of my contract with Unity which allowed for only minor changes to NGUI, and in part because I was too busy with support and the new full-time job at Unity.
This is now changing, and as many of you also know, a new UI that I've been contributing to at Unity is coming soon... but it's still based off of NGUI, and my view of what's important is biased because of that. And so I turn to you, the users. What's important to you? What would you like to see in both NGUI and/or Unity's GUI?
Some mentioned contextual menus in the editor. I've done a first pass on that recently by adding a way to right-click on widgets in order to show the hierarchy of what's underneath. Do you want to see more options there, or do you worry that it will be cluttered and unusable? An example would be the ability to create widgets from the context menu, add child objects, attach common components... To me that seems redundant since NGUI has hotkeys for that (ALT+SHIFT+S to add a sprite, ALT+SHIFT+L to add a label, T for texture, C for collider, etc). What do you think?
Also, which areas do you want improved / redesigned? The anchor / stretch system redesign is already on the roadmap. More intuitive way of specifying clipped regions is as well, and will come before the anchor/stretch system. What else? I know the lego-like structure of NGUI's widgets does not appeal to everyone and some find it complicated (checkbox being several game objects / components for example), while others like the fact that it's flexible and offers a way to customize their UI without modifying code. What about you?
More importantly still... what
frustrates you in NGUI? What makes you go "AAAARRRGHGHHHH!!"? I myself tend to rage quite a bit IRL (mainly related to Mecanim lately... ugh!), so I am quite guilty of hating the system because I don't understand it. So if something is driving you nuts and you want it changed / explained, feel free to vent here and I will do my best to do something about it.
So, in short -- I want to improve both NGUI and uGUI, and your opinions can do just that.