Hi ArenMook.
I understand that you may not ngui.
There is no Null spaces between letters.
The two variables contain the same texts.
string txt = "Não se preocupem com nada, mas em todas as orações peçam a Deus o que vocês precisam e orem sempre com o coração agradecido. E a paz de Deus, que ninguém consegue entender, guardará o coração e a mente de vocês, pois vocês estão unidos com Cristo Jesus."
FsmVariables.GlobalVariables.GetFsmString ("msgTexto").Value = "Não se preocupem com nada, mas em todas as orações peçam a Deus o que vocês precisam e orem sempre com o coração agradecido. E a paz de Deus, que ninguém consegue entender, guardará o coração e a mente de vocês, pois vocês estão unidos com Cristo Jesus."
Only ngui is working with the contents of the variable of a strange way.
He works letter after letter, counting the spaces between words, and what does not fit the width is thrown line underneath.
Are not only the words of the example that was the problem, that is a word that goes beyond the edge of the width is broken between words.
If you see the third photo to send earlier, letters are being justified when I configured to align the left.
When the correct word after word would count and what does not fit in the width would play the last word to line underneath.
Debugging the global String, check that it is correctly returning without spaces or any other problem. The problem only happens when I want to write it on the screen using UI Label.
If you think I'm doing something wrong let me know I need help and not just a response saying: "That's not ngui's doing.".
Let us together find a solution to my problem, ngui appreciate with 10 stars. Bugs if there is possible in any application. So we have to understand and try to correct. If the error is being my about the misuse of ngui guide me so I can do it right.