Hello Aren,
I was testing the new server now and it looks like everytime someone join the channel, it replaces the last max player limit in the room.
This code:
TNManager.JoinChannel(channelId, null, false, 0, "123", false);
Replaces the original max player that a host created first.
What I should place in there to leave "max players" as before?
- I am creating a room normally
TNManager.CreateChannel(null, false, 10, "123", false);
- A player join the room using that Join code above
- No matter if I put, as parameter, max player to 0, 10, 99... it replaces what the host created
What should I use there?
EDIT: I made it work because I know how many players the host had before, and before connecting, the new player uses the same max player limit to Join (which is actually not a solution I believe). So, if there is any other way, please let me know =)