The forums do indeed keep a good record and your sense of entitlement is unduly high. Be cool, guy, you're being helped.
Fact is, you're trying to do something quite specific (nested accordion) that NGUI doesn't have built-in. Now, it's possible to make that work, because the components for an accordion are there. Nesting panels is a brand new feature, so it's bound to have kinks and bugs. 1 month ago it would just not have been possible at all and the argument would stop there. So you have the privilege of being one of the first to brave these new waters. We're here to help, with guidance, bug fixes and whatever else we can help with given our limited time.
As for the resistance you've felt, you must realize that there are many users on here saying "X doesn't work", "Y doesn't work as I expected", "I paid this and this, so make my stuff for me now rah rah".
While they are sometimes right, they are often not, and are instead just using it wrong. Answering posts like those is (often) trivial, "use A instead of X", "Y works right if you just use B first", "make your own stuff" etc. Sometimes genuine bugs gets overlooked or thought of as user error or it takes some time to actually fix the bug, that's just how it is when it's a one man operation. Sometimes you'll get some resistance to what you think is a bug, because it didn't break in the simple tests. When you have specific repos that break consistently, they're looked at and fixed if the bug can be identified. It doesn't happen instantly, but that's because there are hundreds of other support requests on here that also requires attention.
Aanyway re the current issue:
If you want your dynamically filled objects to placed correctly, leave the UIGrid enabled. You can have another component disable it again after all your objects are filled in. I just did that in the repo you posted and it seems to work fine on my end. Is there anything else you're doing that might be breaking it?