// Tasharen Network
// Copyright © 2012-2015 Tasharen Entertainment
using UnityEngine;
using TNet;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
/// <summary>
/// This script makes it really easy to sync some value across all connected clients.
/// Keep in mind that this script should ideally only be used for rapid prototyping.
/// It's still better to create custom to-the-point sync scripts as they will yield
/// better performance.
/// </summary>
public class TNAutoSync : TNBehaviour
public class SavedEntry
public Component target;
public string propertyName;
/// <summary>
/// Serialized synchronized entries.
/// </summary>
public System.Collections.Generic.List<SavedEntry
> entries
= new System.Collections.Generic.List<SavedEntry
/// <summary>
/// Maximum possible number of updates per second. If the values don't change, nothing will be sent.
/// If to set it to zero, the value will only be synchronized when new players join.
/// </summary>
public float updatesPerSecond = 10f;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the result will be saved on the server or not. In most cases it should remain as 'true'.
/// In any case the values will be sent to newly joined players automatically.
/// </summary>
public bool isSavedOnServer = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether only the object's owner can send sync messages. In most cases it should remain as 'true'.
/// </summary>
public bool onlyOwnerCanSync = true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether to send through UDP or TCP. If it's important, TCP will be used. If not, UDP.
/// If you have a lot of frequent updates, leave it as not important.
/// </summary>
public bool isImportant = false;
class ExtendedEntry : SavedEntry
public FieldInfo field;
public PropertyInfo property;
public object lastValue;
class Par : IBinarySerializable
public object[] vals;
public void Serialize(BinaryWriter writer)
if (vals != null)
int len = vals.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) writer.WriteObject(vals[i]);
else writer.Write((byte)0);
public void Deserialize(BinaryReader reader)
int len = reader.ReadByte();
if (len != 0)
if (vals
== null || vals
.Length != len
) vals
= new object[len
]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) vals[i] = reader.ReadObject();
else vals = null;
> mList
= new List
>(); [System.NonSerialized]
Par mCached = null;
/// <summary>
/// Locate the property that we should be synchronizing.
/// </summary>
void Awake()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
TNAutoSync[] tns = GetComponents<TNAutoSync>();
if (tns.Length > 1 && tns[0] != this)
Debug.LogError("Can't have more than one " + GetType() + " per game object", gameObject);
// Find all properties, converting the saved list into the usable list of reflected properties
for (int i = 0, imax = entries.Count; i < imax; ++i)
SavedEntry ent = entries[i];
if (ent.target != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ent.propertyName))
FieldInfo field = ent.target.GetType().GetField(ent.propertyName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
if (field != null)
ExtendedEntry ext
= new ExtendedEntry
(); ext.target = ent.target;
ext.field = field;
ext.lastValue = field.GetValue(ent.target);
PropertyInfo pro = ent.target.GetType().GetProperty(ent.propertyName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
if (pro != null)
ExtendedEntry ext
= new ExtendedEntry
(); ext.target = ent.target;
ext.property = pro;
ext.lastValue = pro.GetValue(ent.target, null);
else Debug.LogError("Unable to find property: '" + ent.propertyName + "' on " + ent.target.GetType());
if (mList.size > 0f)
if (updatesPerSecond > 0f)
Debug.LogWarning("Nothing to sync", this);
enabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Sync periodically.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator PeriodicSync()
for (; ;)
if (TNManager.isInChannel && updatesPerSecond > 0f)
if (mList.size != 0 && (!onlyOwnerCanSync || tno.isMine) && Cache()) Sync();
yield return new WaitForSeconds
/ updatesPerSecond
); }
else yield return new WaitForSeconds
); }
/// <summary>
/// If this values are not saved on the server, at least send them to the newly joined player.
/// </summary>
void OnNetworkPlayerJoin(Player p)
if (mList.size != 0 && !isSavedOnServer && TNManager.isHosting)
if (Cache()) Sync();
else tno.Send(255, p, mCached);
/// <summary>
/// Immediately cache all synchronized values and return whether something actually changed.
/// </summary>
bool Cache()
bool initial = false;
bool changed = false;
if (mCached == null)
initial = true;
= new Par
() { vals
= new object[mList
.size] }; }
for (int i = 0; i < mList.size; ++i)
ExtendedEntry ext = mList[i];
object val = (ext.field != null) ?
val = ext.field.GetValue(ext.target) :
val = ext.property.GetValue(ext.target, null);
if (!val.Equals(ext.lastValue))
changed = true;
if (initial || changed)
ext.lastValue = val;
mCached.vals[i] = val;
return changed;
/// <summary>
/// Immediately synchronize all data by sending current values to everyone else.
/// </summary>
public void Sync()
if (TNManager.isInChannel && mList.size != 0)
if (isImportant) tno.Send(255, isSavedOnServer ? Target.OthersSaved : Target.Others, mCached);
else tno.SendQuickly(255, isSavedOnServer ? Target.OthersSaved : Target.Others, mCached);
/// <summary>
/// The actual synchronization function function.
/// </summary>
void OnSync(Par par)
if (enabled)
int len = (par.vals != null) ? par.vals.Length : 0;
if (mList.size == len)
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
ExtendedEntry ext = mList[i];
ext.lastValue = par.vals[i];
if (ext.field != null) ext.field.SetValue(ext.target, ext.lastValue);
else ext.property.SetValue(ext.target, ext.lastValue, null);
else Debug.LogError("Mismatched number of parameters sent via TNAutoSync!");