I added the following lines of code to let UIDraggable only drag in one direction. Maybe worth folding in? Of course is it isn't used it adds a few instructions. The purpose was to allow swiping a menu to make it disappear and it should never swipe the other way.
UIDraggable (lines with ">" were inserted):
public Vector3 scale = Vector3.one;
> public Vector3 dirBound = Vector3.zero; // x=0 allows free movement, x=1 only allows positive movement, x=-1 only negative, etc all axis
... void OnDrag (Vector2 delta)
if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && target != null)
UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta;
Ray ray = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(UICamera.currentTouch.pos);
float dist = 0f;
if (mPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
Vector3 currentPos = ray.GetPoint(dist);
Vector3 offset = currentPos - mLastPos;
mLastPos = currentPos;
> if ( ( dirBound.x > 0 && offset.x < 0 ) || ( dirBound.x < 0 && offset.x > 0 ) ) {
> offset.x=0;
> }
> if ( ( dirBound.y > 0 && offset.y < 0 ) || ( dirBound.y < 0 && offset.y > 0 ) ) {
> offset.y=0;
> }
if ( (offset.x != 0f || offset.y != 0f) )