Both NGUI and HUDText packages are imported successfully and works well..
And Two Questions.
1. How the hudText display the UILabel permanently ?
When I put the code like-" hudText.Add("Hello World!", Color.white, 1f);-- it disappeared the UIText after the one seconds duration(1f), I think..
But I'd like to display the text persistently before I manually destroy the text.
So, I set the third parameter to the zero, like this- hudText.Add("Hello World!", Color.white, 0f);,
But it didn't work..
How do I to do that???
2. I added the hudText.Add() to the several enemies,
And all those have UILabel(produced by hudText.Add()), displayed the screen, even though some of the enemies are hidden behind the building...
I think, if the enemy is at the behind of the building, the hudText UILabel also should be placed at the behind of the building so that it doesn't seen to the players.
How can I do this??? advance...