Next version of NGUI is going to be 2.00. I'm still likely going to be adding a few more things, but NGUI Professional users already have access to it and can use it now. The changes have been fairly extensive, and have a chance of not being 100% backwards-compatible with older versions -- but fortunately all of it is easy to fix and everything was made easier rather than more complicated.
List of changes so far:
- NEW: Redesigned the way UIDragCamera and UIDragPanelContents work, making them much more straightforward.
- NEW: New widget has been added: Scroll Bar. It does exactly what you think it does.
- NEW: UIDraggableCamera script is used on the camera to make it draggable via UIDragCamera.
- NEW: UIDraggablePanel script is used on the panel to make it draggable via UIDragPanelContents.
- NEW: UIDraggablePanel natively supports scroll bars with "always show", "fade out if not needed" and "fade in only when dragging" behaviors.
- NEW: Scroll View (DragPanel) and Quest Log examples have been updated with scroll bars.
- NEW: Reorganized all examples to be in a more logical order -- starting with the basic, common functionality and going up from there.
- NEW: Localization will now try to automatically load the language file via Resources.Load if it wasn't found in the local list.
- FIX: EditorPrefs are now used instead of PlayerPrefs to store editor-related data.
- FIX: Popup list will no longer try to call SendMessage in edit mode.
- FIX: UIEventListener.Add is now UIEventListener.Get, making the function make more sense with the -= operator.
- DEL: Scroll View example that was using UIDragObject has been removed as it's now obsolete.