Would you like to make some suggestions for future versions, hope you like: Sorry for my typos, I speak French and am learning English now.
1 - Revamp Localize
I saw that some people here also use the Locate unfortunately only changed the system default translation by another, because the NGUI does not recognize CSV, it would be great if he would accept this format, and go beyond incorporating a few more features, will give an example:
Standard format for the new CSV (is a suggestion), we have the first column with the key of the item, the second with a description of that item, and from the third onwards would translations.
Using UnityEditor own, did the prototype of the modernization of some components:
Here we would have. CSV file, and could select which is the column that stores the keys, which stores descriptions and below we could choose, add and remove languages (it does not alter the CSV), first on the list would be the default language, here we choose which column would be designated for each language.
And here is an updated version of the component to use a translation in UI components like label, button, etc ...
As you can see he was getting and displaying the data from the CSV so we can verify if that is the translation we want to use:
In the future, data from the translations could be edited for that component itself.
2 - Spinner
As we often deal with values, and sometimes we need to change the value every few units, it would be very good, implement the spinner to the editor values.
3 - Snap Lines
Another nice addition would be adding gridlines to help when we try to align components as well as Visual Studio does:
4 - Active/Desactive Component
Whenever I create a menu or interface using Ngui, I create a component to enable / disable GameObject, so it becomes easier to choose which "Windows / Components / Labels" I want to hide / show when the player clicks on a button, I think whether this component by default in Ngui would be wonderful, and others also have access to it, and not need to create components for it or writing code:
6 - Tab Index
And lastly, my suggestion is to implement a behavior similar to the TabIndex (HTML), where we could define what the order of the components when the player pressed the Tab or utilizes the Joystick.
Well here are my suggestions are only a few ideas, which I think would add a little more easily this wonderful tool that is Ngui. I hope ArenMook like.