Using NGUI 3.0.8 f7.
Dragging in a ready Control button from Wooden examples. Setting its anchor to Unified to the UI Root. SELECTING THE UIRoot, the Scene view says it size is 320x512.
Setting its values to:
Left to Targets Left + 0.
Right to Targets center - 86.
Bottom to Targets center + 43.
Top to Targets Top -77.
This gives the button a width of a third of the screen. Looks good in editor. If I resize the editor view, the button resizes like it should, keeping same ratio to the screen.
But when I go Fullscreen its not doing it correctly anymore. It's more than a third of the width, and very high. If I were to guess, it seems like it keeps the anchor at targets center -86 pixels, even though the screen is now bigger than in the editor.
Is this the intended behaviour?