Dec 102012

Almost exactly a year ago I decided to make a game and wrote a UI system for it, releasing it on the Asset Store almost as an afterthought. You may know this system as NGUI — it turned out to be fairly popular. People liked its simplicity, design, and well-commented, elegant code.

Although NGUI has halted the game’s development for a short while, I did persevere, and six months ago I started working on adding multi-player functionality to that game. I tried out 3 of the top solutions, but ultimately was not happy with either. I ended up just sticking with one of them due to time constraints, but never stopped wishing that I could write my own, applying all that I’ve learned from my development of NGUI — the simplicity, power, flexibility, and well-thought out, open code.

A few weeks ago I decided to do just that and started on a new project, called Tasharen Networking Framework, or “TNet” for short. This project is now ready to be released.

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